
Friday, January 27, 2012

How To Suck At Geometry

According to my geometry teacher, there are many ways to suck in geometry. To protect her identity and mine I will call her Mrs. Sparklebottom Von Meanface Here are a few.

Having fun:

If you have fun in Geometry class, you might as well just jump off a building now. Apparently having a good time in Geometry means you are a terrible person who will be clicking the "I'm attending" button for the 7th circle of hell. Please remember that having fun includes: Laughing, smiling, enjoying yourself, liking math, having a cool pencil, breathing, using a pen, doodling, and other generally frivolous things.


My Geometry teacher finds it shocking that most normal people are hungry when they do math. She hates everyone who eats because she's on a diet so Mrs. Von Meanface has banned food in her classroom. So, the number one lesson here is that eating in class will make you incapable of learning the deadly subject. If you must eat, make sure that it's only cardboard and your textbook. It will make you learn faster.

Putting your hood up:

It's not raining in the classroom and by putting a hood or hat on your beautiful little noggin will inhibit your ability to absorb the helpful information that your wonderful teacher is telling you.

Not having paper:

Don't forget paper, you guys.

Doing your homework in pen:

Ink makes you a moron, use graphite.

Being generally stupid:

If you're an idiot (like myself!) you can forget about passing with a decent GPA. Or you can bribe your teacher with a minimum payment of $100.

Bribing your teacher:

Don't do it. It's a slippery slope, bros. Slippery, I tell you.

Okay! So that's pretty much it. That's a brief list but these are by far the most important things to remember while in your local Geometry class.